Add To Your Wishlist4 1/2 inch GOVERNOR Graduated Try Square - JOHN SHAW & SONS

Add To Your Wishlist4 1/2 inch GOVERNOR Graduated Try Square - JOHN SHAW & SONS

A good 4 1/2 inch GOVERNOR brand brass plated try square with graduated blade from JOHN SHAW & SONS of Wolverhampton.

Marked with the Governor JS&S trade mark near the top of the blade, also marked 'FOREIGN'.

The rosewood stock has a brass plated top with circular shield to hold the blade in place.

Part trade label remains.

The 41/2 inch (above the stock) steel blade is graduated in eighths on both sides, a few surface spots, please see images.

A few minor surface knocks and scratches, please see images.

No previous owner's stamps.

57/8 by 37/8 inches overall.