New Arrivals
New Arrivals
Recent additions to our stock of old hand tools and collectables.
1/4 inch Sash Mortice Chisel
A very good 1/4 inch or 6mm sash mortice chisel.Stamped '2' on one side of the blade.A few minor surface spots, please see images.Very good boxwood ha...
quick view12 313 STANLEY S2 2 inch Plane Blade - New Old Stock *SOLD*
An unused new old stock STANLEY No.12 313 2 inch or 50mm plane blade.Made in England.To fit the STANLEY No.4 and 5 bench planes.Will also fit the equi...
quick view16 inch SWANSON TC134 Combination Square
A more recent 16 inch Pro Combination Square by SWANSON USA.Machined die cast zinc head stock.Acrylic level vial.Brass fittings.Complete with scribe.R...
quick view18th Century MADOX Round Moulding Plane - No.6
A very good 18th century round moulding plane by William MADOX of London, circa 1748 - 1775.Clear embossed mark 'MADOX' to the toe and stamped '6' on ...
quick view18th Century MADOX Round Moulding Plane - No.7
A very good 18th century No 7 round moulding plane by William MADOX of London, circa 1748 - 1775.Clear embossed mark 'MADOX' to the toe and stamped '7...
quick view2 foot 4 fold RABONE 1167 Boxwood Rule
A tidy RABONE 1167 2 foot 4 fold boxwood rule.Marked 'BOXWOOD RABONE MADE IN ENGLAND No.1167'.Divided into eighths and sixteenths on opposite sides.An...
quick view3/8 inch MARPLES Lock Mortice Chisel *SOLD*
A scarce and probably unused late model MARPLES 3/8 inch lock mortice chisel.Very good boxwood handle with steel ferrule and leather washer.MARPLES tr...
quick view3/8 inch MARPLES Mortice Chisel
A good 3/8 inch or 9mm mortice chisel by MARPLES of Sheffield.Marked 'W MARPLES & SONS SHEFFIELD' with the Shamrock trade mark to the blade.A few ...
quick view4 inch Gents Dovetail Saw with Boxwood Handle
A 4 inch brass back Gents dovetail saw.Boxwood handle with line decoration and brass ferrule, various knocks mainly to the top, please see close-up im...
quick view8 inch Ebony Spirit Level with Inserts - by PRESTON ? *SOLD*
A very clean and crisp 8 inch brass plated ebony spirit level with ebony inserts.Almost identical to the No.1244 Ornamental Ebony Level shown in the 1...
quick view9 inch EDWARD PRESTON Ebony Spirit Level *SOLD*
A good 9 inch brass plated ebony spirit level by Edward PRESTON of Birmingham.Believed to be a No.1243 Extra Strong level.Marked 'E PRESTON & SONS...
quick viewAdjustable Bench Clamp Stop
A vintage aluminium alloy adjustable bench clamp or stop.Unmarked but almost identical to the SPIRALUX 2500 bench clamp.3 fixing holes.Approximately 3...
quick viewAntique Steel Plumb Bob or Weight
An interesting and attractive steel plumb bob or weight.Found with the remains of a string line attached indicating that it had been in use as a plumb...
quick viewBUCK & RYAN 5/16 Mortice Chisel
A good 5/16 inch or 7mm sash mortice chisel by BUCK & RYAN of London.Marked 'BUCK & RYAN' on the blade.A few minor surface spots, please see i...
quick viewDovetailed Smoothing Plane
A parallel sided dovetailed infill smoothing plane.Unusual with dovetailed planes, this one appears to be craftsman made.Solid brass or gunmetal cap w...
quick viewECE No 701 Primus Wooden Try Plane with Lignum Sole - 600mm
A very good ECE No 701 Primus adjustable try or jointing plane by EC EMMERICH of Germany.This model has the lignum vitae sole.600mm (239/16 inches) lo...
quick viewECLIPSE 120 Pin Vice Set
A tidy vintage boxed set of four ECLIPSE pin vices.Nos.121, 122, 123 and 124 providing a capacity range from 0 to 5mm or 0 to 0.196".All are marked 'E...
quick viewECLIPSE 220 Pocket Scribe or Scriber
A vintage ECLIPSE 220 pocket scriber or scribe.Marked 'ECLIPSE No220 MADE IN ENGLAND' to the top, also marked 'ECLIPSE No220' on the pocket hook.Knurl...
quick viewECLIPSE 77 Saw Set
A very tidy ECLIPSE No.77 saw set.Marked 'ECLIPSE No77 MADE IN ENGLAND' inside the top grip.The anvil is marked '4 5 6 7 8 10 12'.A few minor plating ...
quick viewExtra Long SORBY Drawbore Pins
A very good vintage pair of tapered (1/2 inch max diameter) steel drawbore pins by SORBY of Sheffield.Longer than usual, each steel pin is approximate...
quick viewGraduated Set of 13 MARPLES RECORD & RIDGWAY Machine Auger Bits
A little used graduated set of machine auger drill bits by MARPLES and RIDGWAY of Sheffield.These bits can be used in machines, power tools or hand br...
quick viewGRIFFITHS 3/4 inch Side Bead Moulding Plane
A tidy 3/4 inch boxed side bead moulding plane by GRIFFITHS of Norwich.Marked 'GRIFFITHS NORWICH' to the toe and stamped '3/4' on the heel.Near full l...
quick viewGRIFFITHS 7/8 inch Side Bead Moulding Plane
A tidy 7/8 inch boxed side bead moulding plane by GRIFFITHS of Norwich.Marked 'GRIFFITHS NORWICH' to the toe and stamped '7/8' on the heel.Near full l...
quick viewJ BUCK No 14 Hollow Moulding Plane
A good No 14 hollow moulding plane by Joseph BUCK of London, circa 1837 - 1872.Marked 'J BUCK 124 NEWGATE ST LONDON' to the toe with '14' stamped on t...